Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 36 Resource Guide Edition: DEC 2023 | JAN 2024 | Page 62

Verbio 12655 SW Center St # 520 , Beaverton , OR 97005 , USA
Stake Fastener Co . 14395 Ramona Ave . Chino , CA 91710
Busby Metals 850 Freeport Pkwy unit 400 , Coppell , TX 75019 , USA
Phone : 503-914-1119 https :// verbiogroup . com Email : hello @ verbiogroup . com
Phone : ( 909 ) 597-4889 https :// www . stakefastener . com sales @ stakefastener . com
Phone : 413-835-5108 https :// busbymetals . com Email : rjd @ busbymetals . com
No . of Employees : NA Years in business : 28 // Annual sales : NA Certifications : NA // Sic code ( s ): NA Import : NA // Export : NA
No . of employees : NA Years in business : NA // Annual sales : NA Certifications : NA Sic code ( s ): NA Import : NA // Export : NA
No . of Employees : NA Years in business : NA // Annual sales : NA Certifications : NA // Sic code ( s ): NA Import : No // Export : Yes
Verbio ensures your message resonates with your specific targets ! Verbio ’ s solutions for multicultural marketing and multilingual communications result in impactful messages that encompass conversations and meetings , documents and packaging , websites , videos and more . Verbio helps you communicate with diverse groups within your own community , plus international trade partners around the world . We literally help you Translate Anything and Communicate Everywhere !
Since its beginnings , Stake Fastener Co .’ s focus has been on the design and manufacture of unique special application fasteners , with an emphasis on color-matched panel screws and screw assemblies that are processed with a durable thermoset coating material that resists chipping and flaking compared to a basic painted screw . Our products , originally designed for specific aircraft / aerospace applications , are found on all major aircraft in service today . Stake Fastener products also support other sectors of the transportation industry , such as buses , trucks , trains , special-purpose vehicles and agricultural equipment , and can be found on modern electronic instruments , medical and telecommunications devices , and rack-mounted equipment .
At Busby Metals , we know our way around metals . Some even call us experts . But while we care — deeply — about sourcing and supplying the highest quality Copper-based alloys , it ’ s our customers we really show up for . You might think it ’ s old fashioned , but we always answer our phones in person . And that ’ s the same kind of personal service you get from us , always . We have the largest and most diverse in-stock inventory of specialized , high-performance Copper-based alloys in the world . That kind of inventory — stocked on three continents — means you ’ ve got the greatest chance of getting the material you need , when you need it , at the price you agreed . And with honest date estimates , same-day shipping , color-coded materials , clear documentation , accurate material test certificates , and custom wooden shipping crates , you can be confident your delivery will be smooth .