Northwest Aerospace News Issue No. 35 — October | November 2023 | Page 12

Retirements and the aging workforce continue to be challenging , particularly in the aerospace industry . Eden remarked , “ We will do almost anything and everything to find candidates .”
To that end , they have partnered with Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center in Everett for training through their apprenticeship program . Kareen Vincent , aerospace maintenance and manufacturing program instructor with Sno- Isle , works with high school youth in the program . She has been with the school since 2018 but was previously in a naval contract , and with Boeing in Everett . She said , “ To become an aircraft mechanic , you must get certified in airframe and powerplant ( A & P ).” She teaches physics and math to the apprentices , and then they go to ATS for supervised instruction .
She said they become certified at ATS while earning a living wage . “ High school students are earning ( while ) job training . It is a win-win for everyone involved . That ’ s what ’ s so amazing for a company like ATS , and they are growing capable human beings .”
Vincent said they have 24-28 students per session and average about 54 students per year who complete the program . She noted that many students learn about the program as early as 8th grade or sooner , depending upon older siblings . Also , Sno-Isle offers classes every summer where younger students can earn a half credit . With 24 programs , youth have many opportunities to gain an introduction to different careers .
Vincent stated that she is motivated to help today ’ s youth : “ When I was in high school , no one believed in me . I had no mentors .” She explained that she doesn ’ t want others to go through the same difficulty . She added that many kids don ’ t “ gravitate to the trades ” but that “ a place like ATS gives you everything in one shot , including a pathway to a federal license . You can ’ t lose .” She concluded , “ I ’ ve never seen a bigger group of eager children in my life ; I ’ m so glad to be a part of it .”
Jacobsen also draws inspiration from the work of training the next generation of aircraft mechanics . He ’ s been with the company for five years and said , “ I like watching our apprentices grow and succeed . That is hands-down the most fun . We have had quite a few graduates , and ( they are ) getting certificated ; it is really , really fun .”