Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 31 February | March 2023 | Page 72


BY : KRYSTINA JACKSON CEO & Principal Consultant , Krystina Jackson & Associates
As the business world continues to evolve , so too does the importance of creating an environment of diversity , equity , and inclusion ( DEI ). This means that companies need to balance their workforce with a variety of backgrounds and experiences to create a culture of authentic respect and genuine acceptance .
Working to build an equitable and inclusive organization , however , can feel like an insurmountable task . First , we don ’ t know what we don ’ t know . We don ’ t always see the day-to-day happenings at our organizations , so our vantage point is skewed . Second , most of us are aware of the systemic barriers that continue to impact historically marginalized groups , but it becomes unclear how our single organizations can make a dent in what feels like an entire country needing to scale Mount Everest . Thirdly , we are often unsure how we can “ take on ” DEI while also working to design , innovate , and build quality products and services for our customers . The question becomes , “ What do I do , and how do I start ?”
To that end , let ’ s imagine we are getting ready to take a DEI flight . Before we take off , we want to be sure we are ready for a successful flight . Take a look at this “ Pre-Flight DEI Checklist ” to gauge how ready your company is to take off !
A true commitment to diversity , equity , and inclusion is a transformative one . Before any company takes that flight , it should do its best to prepare for the trip . There is often a desire to begin DEI with training and hiring practices . However , most of those initiatives fail because the organizations were not quite ready for the change they desired . I believe , however , that companies can better set themselves up for success by thoroughly assessing the landscape first . With the right approach in place , your organization can become authentically diverse , equitable , and inclusive — which benefits everyone involved !
If you would like to learn more about building a pre-flight checklist , you can find Krystina at : www . krysjackson . com or email at Krystina @ kyrsjackson . com


Include DEI in your overall mission statement .
Craft a statement that demonstrates your organization ’ s commitment to diversity , equity , and inclusion both to its employees and its external partners . As you are crafting this statement , ask yourself , what are our DEI-related values ? Why is DEI important to our organization ?
Clearly communicate your new , or renewed , commitment to DEI throughout the organization . This is a flight your entire organization will be taking . Therefore , it is important to broadly communicate your company ’ s goals and intentions . What can your teams expect ? What will be the impact on the company culture ? Do you foresee any negative impacts ? If so , how might your teams prepare themselves for the work ?
Prepare your organization for “ deep work ,” starting with your executive leadership team .
Transformational diversity , equity , and inclusion work requires an authenticity and vulnerability that is often hidden , or even discouraged , in some workplaces . When you take a flight , you pack your bags with everything you will need while you are gone . Think about what your organization can pack before its flight . Perhaps the organization needs to learn how to engage in difficult conversations . Perhaps the organization needs to evaluate its ability to give , receive , and action feedback .
Gather baseline metrics for your organization .
It is very difficult to plan a trip when you do not know where you are starting . So , gather some baseline DEI metrics for your organization . Use these metrics to help you determine your immediate and long-term DEI goals . Be sure to also include qualitative data that gauges how employees feel about the company culture , including feelings of belonging and inclusion .
Recognize there is no “ end ” to DEI . Rather than a flight with a single destination , imagine DEI as a trip around the world that is comprised of little trips along the way . Often times , organizations will desire a single set of goals that will signify that their company is equitable and inclusive . It is important to recognize , accept , and appreciate , however , that your DEI work will be ever evolving . Begin to see your organization as a lifelong learning organization . Work to remain curious about new ways your organization can demonstrate equity and inclusion .
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