Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 30 December 2022 | January 2023 | Page 50

It has been nine years now since our first intern came to us , she is employed at Blue Origin as a systems engineer and we could not be prouder of her and her accomplishments . It has been an honor to have shared our knowledge with all of our interns on their career paths .
Giving back and supporting our local community is something we love to do — starting with serving on multiple education advisory boards ; Board of Directors , Central Washington University MET program ; Washington Aerospace Training and Research Center ; National Science Foundation projects at Edmonds College ; and Hofstra University Needed Math for Manufacturing Technicians , developing a curriculum in STEM for transitioning sewing and cooking into aerospace manufacturing careers . We also serve on the Washington State Aerospace Pipeline Committee , the Association of Washington Business Manufacturing Task Force , Aerospace Futures Alliance , and more .
Our commitments to these organizations and others have led to a world of travel , taking us places we had never imagined and meeting individuals you only read about .
Larry and I are grateful to everyone who has encouraged and supported us . We deeply appreciate the recognition for our accomplishments with awards in manufacturing , education , technology , leadership , exporting and advocacy .
Who would have thought all those years ago that two students in home economics and shop class would find their way into this dynamic and ever-growing aerospace , space and technology driven industry ? We sure did not and we feel blessed to have people in our lives who pushed us out of our comfort zone and saw the leaders in us .
The future is bright for our industry and those who will follow in our footsteps .

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