Aerospace , as the word indicates , is a combination of aeronautics and spaceflight . It deals with the research , design , manufacturing and maintenance of both aircraft and spacecraft , and is typically defined as flight within and outside Earth ’ s atmosphere . Other services within the aerospace industry include aircraft maintenance , repair and overhaul , as well as satellite services within the space sector . In addition to commercial aircraft , this industry includes military aircraft , space , missiles and aviation .
Aviation generally deals with the design , manufacture , operation and repair of aircraft used to fly within Earth ’ s atmosphere , and is typically described as airports , airlines , the aircraft industry , and aviation institutions .
Washington is fortunate to have a number of elected representatives and senators that are engaged in working to support , in a collaborative way , our state departments that have a focus on the aviation / aerospace industry .
Established in the 2021 Legislative Session , the Aviation and Aerospace Advisory Committee ( known as the AAAC ) was tasked to develop concepts to support and grow these areas of the Washington State economy . Specifics of this committee include the development of recommendations for :
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