Five Ways Successful Companies Overcome Today ’ s Employee Shortage
By Dr . Wade Larson — CEO , Optimal Talent Dynamics
The past two years have been a roller-coaster ride for aerospace manufacturing . Socalled predictable economic indicators can no longer be trusted to accurately forecast business decisions . This is reflected in today ’ s employee shortage .
Dr . Wade Larson
CEO , Optimal Talent Dynamics
Contact Information
Dr . Wade Larson , CEO Optimal Talent Dynamics www . optimaltalentdynamics . com drwade @ optimaltalentdynamics . com or : wade @ wadelarson . com
It seems like overnight we ’ ve found ourselves in a talent “ crisis .” The more skilled the talent , the greater the scarcity . This has created a vicious supply and demand game of wage negotiation that positions recruitment and retention as our top business priorities . Each week we play “ employee-whack-a-mole ,” as our best employees bring us the latest competitor ’ s letter to seek a counteroffer — and we usually pay it .
Last year , employers scrambled to offer mid-year raises to retain employees at what we thought to be the crest of the Great Resignation . A year later , wages are still rising , talent is scarcer , and employees are still leaving at more than four million resignations per month . The Great Resignation didn ’ t slow down .
Despite these challenges , there are some employers who are winning the war for talent — even thriving — by understanding a few things that others are still slow to adopt .