Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 28 August | September 2022 | Page 26

He added that the stories are often of an “ incredible ” nature that are exciting for participants to hear .

Air Force Bases in the United States
According to www . milbases . com , “ The U . S . Air Force was established on September 18 , 1947 . The Air Force motto is Aim High ... Fly-Fight-Win . There are over 310,000 service men and women in active duty in the Air Force and 69,000 in the reserves . MilBases . com is tracking 72 Air Force bases .”
The civilian pilots , said Gipple , are always in training to put together an exciting Air Show . The Air Force or Navy demonstrating teams , he added , are maintaining their combat capabilities day-to-day . For the pilots , he said “ It is a chance to show the public what they love to do .” He said that for the greater community , we don ’ t often get to see what is going on at the Air Force base with the aircraft and / or pilots and staff .
Captain Ariana Greene has been with the Air Force for 10 years . She was also chosen to plan this year ’ s Skyfest . She said her role was as “ co-ground boss — we ran everything from the ground until it was up in the air .”
Greene ’ s pride in the event becomes apparent when she said , “ We wanted to show our community and anyone who wants to show up from around the world , that we provide something for all ages to enjoy .”