Northwest Aerospace News Issue No. 24 — December 2021 | January 2022 | Page 48

Northwest Readers SHARE A STORY
Northwest Readers SHARE A STORY



By Adam Grim

Ever since I can remember I ’ ve looked up in the sky and marveled at the simple principles that have allowed us to build and fly airplanes . The mere fact that a massive hunk of metal and plastic could soar through the air always struck me as nothing less than remarkable .

I remember every flight I ’ ve ever taken — always excited to get on board , look out the window and watch the world fly past . I have developed a small ritual of touching the outside of the airplane right before boarding , maybe as good luck , but also just to touch something that ’ s about to be exposed to the harsh conditions of flying 30 thousand feet up in the sky . I ’ ve been lucky to have flown all over the world from one time or another , for fun or business , and it ’ s yet to become mundane or boring to me .
Adam Grim
Adam Grim | Director of Human Resources 7600 5th Ave S . Seattle , WA 98108 www . machinistsinc . com
Today I find myself even luckier to work in the aerospace industry at a company that supports the manufacture of aircraft of all types , as well as building components for rocketry , which is another passion of mine . I call myself a fan of everything we do .