Northwest Aerospace News — Issue 34 August | September 2023 | Page 58

In conclusion , my path in aerospace has been one of unexpected inspiration and growth . From a part-time bookkeeper with limited knowledge , I have evolved into an individual deeply committed to advancing the aerospace industry . My time with PNAA has not only broadened my understanding of aerospace and aviation but has also fostered a genuine love for the work we do . As I continue to learn , connect , and contribute , I am excited for the future and the endless possibilities that lie ahead in this dynamic and ever-evolving industry .
In my personal life , I have a deep appreciation for adventure and adrenaline-pumping hobbies . I enjoy spending time outdoors with my husband and two kids , engaging in activities that create lasting memories . One of our favorite pastimes is 4X4ing , where we explore challenging off-road terrains . The thrill of navigating rough trails and the sense of accomplishment it brings strengthen our family bond . The views are indescribable and beyond anything you can imagine . We purchased our SxS Razor and have enjoyed countless hours exploring the great outdoors and all the beauty nature has to offer together .
I have always enjoyed fishing and hunting , which provide opportunities for relaxation and a connection with the natural world away from all forms of electronics . We find peace and tranquility in casting our lines and waiting patiently for a bite . Our family has a bet at the start of every fishing trip of who will catch the biggest fish , the most fish and the best-looking fish . I love that our kids have these memories and hope when they are older , that they will enjoy taking their own children to the same spots they visited in their youth .
Beyond these specific activities , we embrace a variety of outdoor experiences . Whether it ’ s quading to scenic vistas , fishing on a lake or camping under the stars , we enjoy immersing ourselves in the wonders of nature . These adventures provide a break from our daily routines and allow us to appreciate the beauty and serenity that surrounds us .
While my professional life revolves around the aerospace industry , my personal life is centered on embracing outdoor adventures with my family , allowing us to connect with nature , create meaningful memories , and find balance amidst the demands of our daily lives .

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