Northwest Aerospace News — Issue 34 August | September 2023 | Page 53

At the heart of Toolcraft ’ s success lies their workforce , which boasts an average age of 29 . This youthful composition is not a coincidence but a result of the company ’ s founding principles . Karl Niemela ’ s decision to hire his first employee , a 15-yearold neighborhood teenager , paved the way for the ongoing youth movement within Toolcraft . Initially , the teenager assisted with menial tasks while Karl operated the machines . As Toolcraft expanded , more young employees joined , allowing for a gradual shift in responsibilities and creating opportunities for growth .
Over time , the balance between seasoned employees and the younger workforce has remained crucial . Toolcraft recognizes the importance of experience and expertise in conjunction with the enthusiasm and adaptability of the younger generation . To bridge this gap , the company has engaged with the AJAC apprenticeship program , offering opportunities for both youth and adult apprenticeships . This investment in training and mentorship has significantly contributed to the development of a skilled and capable team .
The advantages of having a young workforce at Toolcraft are manifold . Their innate familiarity with technology and openness to innovative ideas has propelled the company ’ s technological decisions forward . Embracing automation , Toolcraft successfully integrated Universal Robot installations to tend CNC machines , a feat made possible by the young employees ’ quick grasp of new technologies and their willingness to explore uncharted territories .
Toolcraft ’ s youthful workforce sets them apart from other companies in the industry .