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Sometimes , purpose is clear , and sometimes your purpose needs to be discovered , like the Carl Sagan quote : “ Somewhere , something incredible is waiting to be known .” That ’ s how it was for me . I wanted to do something great that honored those who came before me and inspired those coming after me , as well as those on the journey with me .
Sean McClinton
Contact : President , The Space Entrepreneurs Mobile : 425-922-1886 Office : 425-242-1688 sean @ thespaceentrepreneurs . com Blog : A Space for Perspective
About 10 years ago in my professional life , I knew that I was not on that path . But which path was the right one ? I had heard the old adage , “ If you follow your passion , you ’ ll never work a day in your life .“ I had always been interested in entrepreneurship professionally , inspired by stories of successful entrepreneurs in the tech and video game industries where pioneers blazed trails and created incredible products and services that people loved while doing very well for themselves along the way .
My goal was to find the next great industry — the next software or video game industry . I had also heard that people who did what they enjoyed or were good at as children , ended up being the most successful adults . I thought back about what I was interested in as a kid , and I remembered writing my fifth grade state report on Florida , and how I had written about the Space Shuttle program . I also remembered my homemade Halloween astronaut costume . Lastly , I remember watching Challenger live in my first grade classroom earlier that same year and the effect it had on me . I realized that even then , I had a budding interest in space , so I decided to look for ways I could learn more about the modern business of space .