Northwest Aerospace News — Issue 32 April | May 2023 | Page 47

I ’ ve been amazed when I tell people about this passion of mine , how many of them say they too have always been fascinated by space . They might be lawyers or CPAs or software engineers or data scientists . Some might have an aerospace background they put to the side but never stopped looking at the stars . Some aren ’ t going to make the big leap . But some will and if we show them the way , what could happen ? What innovation awaits , what benefits will we see for how we care for our planet and journey beyond it ?

Opening the doors to space .
Answering these questions is core to the Space Northwest mission . The work of our future in space is growing rapidly and the needs outstrip the supply of workers . We need to continue to break down the silos , remove the barriers , and let those who didn ’ t realize they could be a part know there is a place for them .
That means investing in diversity , equity , inclusion and accessibility ( DEIA ), elevating underrepresented groups and underserved communities . This is foundational . The space opportunity is one that should leave out no one , particularly those who have been left out of other economic booms .
It means workforce development , training the people who want to join the ranks of space . It means increasing and improving STEM education . It means supporting all roles in the space economy : machinists , welders and other trade workers as well as engineers , researchers and other professionals . It means educating and supporting entrepreneurs and innovators whose initiative can make transformative change .
Finally , it means getting the word out across the country and around the world that the Pacific Northwest is a great place for space . I was lucky that I came here and observed firsthand . I want others who haven ’ t been here to know and to join us .
Humanity is going to space . We need the best from all of us for that journey . The question is : are you looking for space people beyond where you think you ’ ll find them ? Are you pulling down barriers and breaking down silos ? There ’ s tremendous power unlocked when someone who thought they didn ’ t have a place finally finds it .
APRIL | MAY 2023 ISSUE NO . 32 47