Northwest Aerospace News — Issue 32 April | May 2023 | Page 45

At the time I was a software development manager on Wall Street in New York City , enjoying my career , but feeling a strange longing for something … more . Space had been an interest from childhood and all through my college career , but I had put it aside , thinking I didn ’ t fit in , that there was no place for me .
But the tweet said something different . NASA ’ s International Space Apps Challenge was calling everyone — around the world , all skills , and all backgrounds . The hackathon was an intense weekend-long event where teams created technology solutions to NASA-issued challenges . Anyone could join the movement to improve life on Earth and our future in space through the use of space data . At my wife ’ s encouragement , I canceled my commitment for that weekend and went .
The experience was beyond what I could have anticipated . At the 2015 Space Apps NYC event , I learned about the incredible developments in space commercialization , met an astronaut and was surrounded by kindred souls . We were all excited by technology and space and where the two were taking us . I emerged knowing what had been missing and where I wanted to go .
That led me to the Space Frontier Foundation ’ s NewSpace Conference in Seattle in 2016 . Seeing the amazing space community here , I packed up the family and moved across the country to be closer to it . In October of that year , I took the International Space University ( ISU ) Executive Space Course , held at the Museum of Flight in Tukwila , which further connected me to the amazing individuals and companies that make up the regional space scene .
Where are the space people ?
Once in Seattle , I was sure to register for Space Apps 2017 . I had high hopes for the event , but did not see the space community represented . I saw talent from Seattle ’ s software and startup scene who wanted to find their connection to space . When I asked where are the space people , the local lead organizer said vaguely , “ They are out there .” When I talked to my space connections , they had never heard of Space Apps . I resolved to fix that and took lead in 2018 .
Early on , I involved Sean McClinton from Space Entrepreneurs Seattle , to help engage the community . From 2018 to 2019 , NASA Space Apps Seattle grew with strong involvement from both the space and tech community .
APRIL | MAY 2023 ISSUE NO . 32 45