Northwest Aerospace News February | March 2019 Issue No. 7 | Page 60
A Transformational Journey of
productivity &
Fiona McKay
Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance
Deputy Executive Director
By Fiona McKay, Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance, Deputy Executive Director
ith the next airframe on the horizon it is only a matter of time before suppliers
are requested to bid on contracts and start developing their next generation of prod-
ucts. But for the first time during the development cycle, cost will be at the forefront
of people’s minds as it takes priority over technological advances. Concurrently, the
same suppliers competing for business are expected to meet ever-increasing perfor-
mance targets around delivery and quality. To be successful, companies need to em-
brace both; hence productivity and affordability have become key themes for PNAA’s
2019 conference. While the challenge is real, there are several companies that have
“walked the talk,” pioneering best practice for other companies to follow. Read on to
learn more about taking on the challenge and learn from a celebrated Pacific North-
west company that’s at the head of the pack.
What is productivity and affordability and why does it matter?
Market conditions have changed significantly over the last decade. External market pressures from the flying public and
the airlines, coupled with market consolidation and ever-tightening budgets, have resulted in year-on-year expectations
of price down negotiations at all levels of the manufacturing supply chain. At the same time, production rates have been
increasing in both Boeing and Airbus and the supply of parts is a key enabler to their success, with little room for error in
delivery schedules.