Northwest Aerospace News February | March 2018 Issue No. 1 | Page 28
wide spectrum of
materials is in use at Unitech
Composites. Polyester-glass,
phenolic-glass, epoxy-glass,
epoxy-Kevlar® and
epoxy-graphite prepregs are
used with Nomex® honey-
comb, aluminum honeycomb,
Klegecell® foam and urethane
foam core materials in the
manufacture and assembly of
high-quality composite compo-
nents and aero structures.
The spectrum of products
manufactured includes com-
plex composite environmental
control system ducting using
eutectic salt and plaster man-
drels, active aircraft winglets,
aircraft brackets and intercostal
components. For Rockwell
Collins, Unitech manufactures
the Binocular Optical Support
Structure (BOSS), which is
an instrumental piece of the
helmet for the F-35. For the
US Army, Unitech developed
weapons pylons Lightweight
Armament Support System
(LASS) and Multi-Station
Lightweight Armament Support
System (MLASS), which were
designed to replace the legacy
steel weapon pylon on the
Blackhawk helicopter. These
Manufacturing, measuring and quality
are instrumental in the production of
the Binocular Optical Support Struc-
ture. (BOSS)
are lightweight and corro-
sion-resistant and use the same
installation kits and procedures
as the legacy pylons. They are
made from a full carbon struc-
ture with aluminum fittings and
they offer significant weight
reduction and meet US Army
service load requirements.