“ Everybody is moving toward automation ,” he said . “ Our very comprehensive program will prepare workers to go into any automated factory environment and be ready to work .” He added that with automation , “ You need to have cross-skill sets , one person doing two or three different tasks .”
In fact , due to this growth , Washington State has just approved a new 63,000-square-foot building for a School of Advanced Manufacturing at Clover Park . They currently have 79 students in the process of starting school and / or graduating . Copeland said that the graduates come out of school with a specific skill set in high demand by employers .
Lee from Tool Gauge thinks that students who are motivated by technology such as robotics and mechatronics will be more motivated to consider careers in manufacturing because of this dramatic industry change . “ Robotics provide compelling advantages on the hiring front , offering training opportunities for young people out of high school or technical school who have an interest in mechatronics and automation . This is something every manufacturer can get behind ,” he said .
Robotics companies are prevalent , and the technology is highly capable . Watch a video from Universal Robots https :// www . universal-robots . com / products / to view a mid-sized UR5 collaborative robot that Tool Gauge is currently evaluating . On that site , applications for CNC machining , painting and gluing , assembly , quality assurance , and more are represented . Other companies in the manufacturing robotics space include Fanuc , Yaskawa , ABB , Kawasaki , Nachi , Kuka , Denso , Epson , and Adept ( therobotreport . com ).
Mike Marzetta with Altek based in Liberty Lake , Washington , started a robotics curriculum program called MINDS-i to train middle and high school students in building and developing robots . They offer curriculum , competitions , and products that enable students to engage early on with a mechanical competency .
Marzetta said , “ Manufacturing process automation is essential to remaining competitive within the global marketplace around us . The task of setting up and programming the robot requires a higher level of skill , while the benefits associated with faster cycle time , greater repeatability and lower cost per unit produced makes for a good return on investment .”
This is ultimately the kind of talent that factories of the future such as Tool Gauge will need in the years ahead to continue making a positive difference in their local community and the economic development of their region .
Tool Gauge 4315 S . Adams Street Tacoma , WA 98409 USA Phone :+ 1.253.473.2740 http :// www . toolgauge . net