Northwest Aerospace News August | September — Issue No. 22 | Page 36

A Redmond company is preparing to build a spacecraft that will travel faster than any other machine has flown .

The company ’ s plans for growth here on Earth are almost that rapid as well .
“ In terms of the stars aligning , we ’ ve got a lot of things serendipitously coming together ,” said Lisa Rich , Founder and COO of Xplore .
This summer , Xplore signed a lease and moved into the Redmond , Washington business park campus , a 22,000-square-foot building where Rich says they will assemble , integrate and test space vehicles .
The building was formerly home to a now-defunct space company and it had everything Xplore needs to do the work . She said . “ There are clean rooms that are fully vented — mechanical rooms , electrical fabrication and optical rooms — it ’ s enormous , and immaculate .”