Northwest Aerospace News August | September — Issue No. 22 | Page 19

As part of the testing , the KC-46A multirole aerial refueling tanker and the P-8A maritime patrol aircraft flew at different airspeeds , altitudes and configurations to ensure compatibility and performance throughout the refueling envelope .
“ During these challenging times for our company , it ’ s important to remember our mission ,” said Tim Peters , vice president and general manager mobility and surveillance for Boeing Military Aircraft . “ This photo highlights the amazing work of our Puget Sound teams and efforts to support our customers .”
Keeping it all in the family , both the KC- 46 and P-8 spend a lot of time together on the ground too , as they are readied for delivery at the newly modernized Military Delivery Center in Tukwila , Washington . It ’ s a fairly new mission for a site that formerly served as a modification center for Airborne Warning and Control ( AWACS ) aircraft .
The delivery center ’ s transformation did not happen overnight . It took a concerted effort to renovate the existing facility .
“ There is a real sense of accomplishment among our team ,” said Ken Wilson , a senior manager for the P-8 program at the delivery center . We have listened to the customer and remained focused on the goal of delivering a quality aircraft .”
The last time Boeing delivered this many military aircraft from the Pacific Northwest was during the peak of the KC-135 program , more than 55 years ago .
“ The teams at the center have to coordinate closely in order to conduct all the ground and flight tests prior to delivery ,” said Wilson . “ It is imperative that we work as one team , with our defense contract management agency customer , to deliver these aircraft to our Navy and Air Force customers .”
Employees at the Military Delivery Center in Tukwila , Washington , have worked across the enterprise to improve workflow and quality as the center hosts deliveries for both the P-8 and
KC-46 military aircraft programs . ( Boeing photo )
To meet the delivery requirements of both programs , the space at the center had to be reconfigured , and a new blast fence installed . Today , the center can hold up to 14 aircraft , up from four previously . Additional personnel , equipment and support staff also were added .
“ A lot goes into the final aircraft checks and test flights prior to delivery ,” said Peters . “ I am very proud of the team . “ We have a bright future as we continue to focus on executing on our franchise programs and delivering the most capable aircraft .”
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