Northwest Aerospace News August | September — Issue No. 22 | Page 16

She said that there are many organizations and there is high demand for rapid development of eVTOL and that those with the best value proposition will help vet those who stay in the industry and those who don ’ t , “ What is the offer the company will make ( in distinction ) from others in this market ?” They are helping eVTOL to determine their value propositions .

Regarding the services with Teague , while you may not need to be “ well-resourced ” to walk in the door , Maxwell said they have many different options in working with clientele . In some cases , they partner with certain companies ; in other cases , it may be a term-based engagement .
“ Each client engagement is unique ; each approach is unique ,” Maxwell shared . She said they ask , “ What value can we bring to this project ?” She noted that some projects are joint ventures . But she said that if you go to a straight-up industrial design firm , then you will get an industrial design answer to your question . If you come to Teague , Liddell said , “ It is a more holistic approach .” He added that they look at projects through an interdisciplinary approach , “ There is a rich confluence of many factors .” Harcup added , “ The work is industrially credible , yet rooted in strategy . It is a holistic approach ; that ’ s why we are working with some of the biggest brands in automotive and aviation .
We are doing a ton of work in space and other modes of transport ; it is an area of rapid growth .”
When it comes to future-visioning , “ we peel back the layers to take something fantastical into something probable ,” Liddell said . He added , you must understand different time periods , and history , “ the medieval period was very sophisticated .” Liddell also noted that sometimes if you are watching the trajectory and maturation of one technology and its growth , you can put another technology / concept or idea alongside it and see it come to fruition when the first one reaches a pinnacle .