Northwest Aerospace News August | September — Issue No. 22 | Page 14

Virgin Hyperloop Interior

Harcup understands a lot of things when it comes to aircraft interiors , including a passenger ’ s need to rest while on a long flight . He knows that weight and density of the seat play a part , and he sees the airlines paying attention to sustainability concerns as well .

Within his role , Harcup pays attention and engages . He participates in Red Cabin , an organization that brings aerospace leaders together to engage on design issues .
Red Cabin seeks to inform , “ How we travel ,” according to their website , http :// www . redcabin . de . They do this through summits and say that the forums create progress and synergy .
Maxwell , who has been with Teague for 18 years , enjoys the learning environment . She said “ I am a trained industrial designer from Western Washington University in Bellingham ,” she added that regarding her work with Teague , “ I have never been bored ; I push myself , try new roles , find out what aligns with my strengths .” She said she loves working there because of her love for travel and aviation and she enjoys working with the clients and staff .
She is now in a position of hiring new employees and interestingly , one of the more important things to her is finding someone with a great attitude that can stand with them in the good and bad times . She said , “ I hire as much for character as for skill , I need someone that I can travel with — from canceled flights to all-nighters .” For her it is about having a co-worker who can effectively roll with the punches .
Finding staff with that approach could be why they ’ ve had one of the longest tenures in the design industry for the type of work they do . Especially work in aviation , “ We ’ ve always done work in aviation ,” she said .
A new area of business for them , that personally excites Maxwell and her team , is space . “ I love this market ; it is so exciting . It is not new to us . We contributed to designing the first international space station .” But Maxwell added that the audience has changed regarding their end user . In past work , they designed an experience for a highly trained and technical astronaut . Moving forward , regular people — and “ well-resourced people ,” according to Liddell , will be the ones buying into the space experience . To that point , Maxwell said it needs to be “ intuitive and incredibly safe .”
Another hot topic is urban air mobility , which Maxwell describes as “ a race right now .”