Northwest Aerospace News August | September 2020 | Page 66

Despite the career change , my commitment to the advancement of women in the industry remains strong and the challenges of COVID-19 led me to question the best way to do this . I have been lucky enough to meet many wonderful women in the industry who have made a huge difference to me and I wanted to find a way to share them with the world . That ’ s how the idea of a podcast came about – and Leading Ladies Of … Aerospace was born . By using this increasingly popular channel of communication I knew there would be a way to connect women around the world , allowing us to collectively share experience and knowledge . The intention is to create a movement of women who are willing to step forward and embrace their power courageously , and to ‘ Lead Like a Lady .’ By this we mean to show up authentically , recognizing that we do not need to take on typically ‘ male behaviors ’ to thrive in the workplace – it is our differences that will enable us to thrive and creating supportive cultures that embrace these differences is the key to success .

The podcast will feature stories and advice from women in the industry that have taken on the glass ceiling and excelled in an industry that still has much to strive for to create gender balance . The series will highlight women currently working in the industry , women who have transitioned away from aerospace , and women whose allyship has had a first-hand impact on the women of aerospace . We may even feature a few of the men that have demonstrated their allyship to advancing women in the industry too ! And while the podcast is designed for women , I believe men would also benefit from listening , to learn about the experiences of their female peers and understand the hurdles they face in the workplace – in addition to getting great career advice that no doubt benefits everyone .
In September we will then be hosting an online summit for Leading Ladies Of … Aerospace to build a community of support for women around the world and to raise money for A-WING , Aviation Women Inspiring the Next Generation . McKay Unlimited is providing support to this great organization as they establish a network across the U . S . to assist women in the support functions of aerospace , complementing existing organizations . A-WING is raising funds to support women in aerospace and aviation that have been financially impacted by the crisis and will be providing resources and leadership to ensure we get women back into the workplace as soon as possible .
To learn more about the podcast and September summit , please visit www . mckayunlimited . com and if you would like to be featured – or know of any amazing women whose message needs to be put on loudspeaker – please e-mail Fiona at fiona @ mckayunlimited . com .
What is a Leading Lady ?
1 . Somebody committed to changing the future for all women in traditionally male dominated professions
2 . An influencer who actively creates a positive impact on others
3 . A role model for what it means to have compassion and courage in the workplace
4 . An advocate for ALL workplace diversity
5 . Someone with the courage to challenge the status quo


We want to hear from you .
Submit a story online at : northwestaerospacenews . com Get in touch via email : dean @ northwestaeropsacenews . com