VanWerven said , “ When you go into the magniX facility , the atmosphere is electric , pun intended . There is a group of people that are extremely excited with their work . The only other time I ’ ve felt that excitement is at SpaceX .”
Between magniX and Eviation , Ganzarski is busy . He manages 50 employees with magniX and 60 with Eviation and is now starting the Aviation Center of Excellence focused on electric propulsion and aircraft in the area .
However , his energy is high and in a recent job opening the company was hiring for Head of Magical Products ( CTO ).
To be sure , the company also has standard positions like Quality Engineers , Apps Developers , Accounting Managers – the business functions in the real-world .
Mindy Guzman , head of quality at magniX , is a committed member of the team who is working with the FAA on new Type certifications that haven ’ t been done before with electric motors .
She has been with the company for a year and said , “ My job is to ensure conformance of our product to requirements — specifically , with our electric propulsion unit , including the magniDrive and the motor . Together that completes our Electric Propulsion Unit ( EPU ).”
Ganzarski said about the staff , “ Our team members are a phenomenal group of people sacrificing time , families , and hobbies to make this world a better place ; that is contagious .” He said the work can be 14 hours a day , seven days a week , nonstop . But he said that although fast-paced and demanding , they are , “ creating a legacy for the future .”
APRIL | MAY 2021 ISSUE NO . 20 15