Northwest Aerospace News April | May 2019 Issue No. 8 | Page 24

Aircraft assembly equipment lift. A s an example of the company’s products, he described a huge platform the company built for Boeing, used in the final assembly of commercial jetliners. “Basically, you can think of it like a large sawhorse,” said Grim. “It has hydraulics and electrical controls, which we source from outside suppliers. We machine all of the components and do the final assembly. It has platforms where employees can stand and move around when they are putting different components on airplanes.” Aviation and space flight make up a significant proportion of the work done by Machinists Inc., according to Grim. “We also build holding fixtures for Boeing: tooling assemblies that are used to lift and hold the external skin panels into place during the final phase of construction. In addition, we build tools that are used in product testing, like assessing the structural integrity of airplane wings, and launch support equipment for heavy-lift vehicles.” Machinists Inc. has also done considerable work outside the aerospace sector, over the years, including repairs and upgrades to the Washington State ferries and United States Navy submarines, as well as wind turbines and hydroelectric generating stations. 24 NORTHWEST AEROSPACE NEWS The left landing gear strut in the photo is part of a complete set of landing gear for the 787 static and load testing pro- gram. MI provided machining, assembly and finishing for this project.