Northwest Aerospace News April | May 2019 Issue No. 8 | Page 13
Main products for Jamco America
and Jamco Corporation
· Galleys — Bar units are built in
Everett at Jamco America. They
have dry chillers, a small fridge
with lighting, used for storing
bottles and drinks in a self-service
capacity. This is something that
premium passengers might see on
British Airways. Galleys used to
store carts and other service items
will be built in Japan and Jamco
America will go on site to Boeing
for installation.
· Lavatories — They provide lava-
tories for all wide-body aircraft at
Boeing including the 777x — they
are designed and built in Japan
and arrive to Jamco America for
finalization. They are finished out
by adding smoke detectors, toilet
assemblies, oxygen generators and
fire extinguishers. Boeing comes
twice daily to pick up and install
the lavatories in a just-in-time
capacity. The lavatories go to Boe-
ing in Charleston and Everett for
installation. They have two people
on site in Charleston, and a dozen
for support in Everett.