Northern Maine Water Trail Map & Guide ACT 2018 Water Trails | Page 30

Soldier Pond to Fort Kent on the Fish River Put in at the public boat landing in Soldier Pond, MAG 67 D5. The trip starts as fl atwater. Caution: 1 mile below Soldier Pond is a four foot drop. A portage trail is on the left hand bank. Rips will be encountered the next 5 miles but they are easy. At the 5 mile point you will come to Fish River Falls, MAG 67 C5. This is a Class V section. It is not advisable to run this section. A well used portage trail is on the right hand shore above the falls. A beautiful view of the falls is seen from the trail at the top of trail. Below the falls, you will encounter a Class II section about 200 feet long. If you do try to run it, do so on the right hand side. The rest of the trip is easy to the take out at the public boat landing in Fort Kent, MAG 67 B4, on the right hand side of the river just around the corner. On the left banking, you will see the Fort Kent Blockhouse. This fort was built to protect the lumbering rights to the region and was the scene of the Ashburton-Webster treaty that eventually decided the border between Maine and Canada. The fort is open to the public during the summer months. This is an easy day trip even with the portages that have to be made. Run with a kayak all year and canoe during periods of highwater. 28