Northern Force Security Cannabis Security - Keeping the Stash Safe | Page 9
Greenhouse and Indoor Farms
Most security regulations that apply to greenhouse and other methods of indoor cannabis cultivation
are again concerned primarily with camera surveillance and perimeter security. However most
cannabis producers will be well aware of this and have security and access management systems
already deployed. Nonetheless the regulations insist upon minimal levels of security that producers
must comply with. For example cameras must be placed to capture all the indoor area and not have
any blind spots due to machinery or other obstructions. Greenhouses must have clear views inside and
outside again covering all the area with no obstructions. This means that the surrounding area must be
kept clear of foliage or equipment and once again the video footage from all the cameras must be
retained for a predetermined time. Once more these are basic security requirements that any sensible
cannabis producer would already have in place to protect their crop and their business.