Ling Becker, former VHEDC Executive Director,
(front row, fourth from left) was named a
Minnesota Business magazine Member of the
(Real) Power 50 in 2018. Becker, surrounded
by VHEDC Board Members, was honored at
an awards gala in Minneapolis. Members of
the (Real) Power 50 are described as “The
connectors in their industry. The people who
make things happen.” Becker resigned from the
VHEDC in February 2019 to be the Director of
Workforce Solutions for Ramsey County. VHEDC
Board President Debby Gustafson (front row, far
left) says, “Ling’s time with the VHEDC has been
a significant turning point in our organization.
We’ve impacted the NE Metro community
through a variety of new programs and
initiatives initiated during Ling’s tenure. We’re
excited for her as she pursues her next career
opportunity and wish her the very best.”
VHEDC Board Member Cindy O’Donovan leads the Human Resources (HR) Networking 2019 cohort through a session.
The group meets monthly to keep up with business trends, share best practices and learn how other companies handle
similar situations.
The City of Vadnais Heights Mayor Heidi Gunderson
honored former VHEDC Executive Director Ling Becker
with a Proclamation in February 2019
VHEDC hosts City of Vadnais Heights 2018
Candidates Forum in partnership with the
League of Women Voters, White Bear Lake
(from left) Julie Burrow, Executive Director of UpTurnships hosts Ling
Becker, former VHEDC Executive Director, and VHEDC Board Members Becky
Bjorgum, Joy Vander Heiden and President Debby Gustafson at UpTurnships
Speed Networking Event. Read about UpTurnships, pg. 54.