from the VHEDC
he VHEDC (Vadnais Heights Economic
Development Corporation) is in its 35th year
of engaging with community stakeholders
to enhance the economic vitality of our community.
The northeast metro business community is thriving
and the goals of making it a great place to live and
work are being met, but we always want to do better.
In the past year since I’ve been named executive
director, I have met community business leaders
who have worked tirelessly to execute the vision that
the VHEDC founders sought decades ago. We are
fortunate to have them in our community. The history
is rich and the future is vibrant.
Liz Moscatelli
Our goals over the past few years have been focused
on workforce development. This rings true with many
economic development entities around the country.
We gear our programs toward giving options to high
school students who may want to branch out beyond the four-year degree track,
working with our current businesses to create viable solutions to their workforce
needs by addressing such things as training and job shortages, and planning for
housing and transportation needs to get employees to and from work. We also
fulfill a need by offering niche programs, such as women in leadership sessions,
along with human resources and nonprofit networking and training opportunities.
You can read about these and more in this magazine.
VHEDC Executive
To make all of this come together, we partner with all facets of our community
– schools, colleges, manufacturing, healthcare, financial institutions, hospitality,
media, city and county government and special government programs like Youth
Skills Training and BizRecycling – to help bridge the gap.
We hope you enjoy reading about the many great people in our business
community and how “Everybody is Working Together!”
Liz Moscatelli
VHEDC Executive Director
Thank you to those that contributed to this magazine:
Rachel Anderson, RMA Publicity | Editor
Joe Vruno, Spicy Meatball Photography | Photography
Jeff Remme | Graphic Designer
Nicola Hyser | Editorial Direction
Northeast Metro Business