North Texas Dentistry Volume 9 Issue 4 2019 ISSUE 4 DE | Page 21

WATCH FOR BEHAVIORAL RED FLAGS n n n n n n n n n Living beyond means: 45.8% Financial difficulties: 30.0% Unusually close association with patient or vendor: 20.1% Control issues / Unwilling to share duties: 15.3% Divorce / Family problems: 13.4% Suspiciousness / Defensiveness: 12.3% Addiction problems: 10.0% Inadequate pay complaints: 9.0% Refusal to take vacations: 7.8% Whether you want to reap the rewards of many more years as a young “go-getter” enjoying the practice of dentistry and the financial rewards it provides, or are seeking the right transition strategy to maximize your retirement income, the time has come to combine a Fraud Prevention Check-up along with a pre-tran- sition planning consultation. Anti-fraud training, along with a review of your office procedures manual, compliance and HR policies, assures immediate peak practice performance, and when you decide to transition, a top dollar practice valuation. Doctor, when you take advantage of us – no one takes advantage of you! Dr. Richard Lyschik’s practice transi- tion, staff training and doctor coaching services are customized for the single dentist, as well as the multi-practice owner and entrepreneur. His Dental Office Network Team has helped thou- sands of dentists acquire, expand, merge, and build from the ground up. Retiring, disabled, “burned out”, and relocating dentists have sold their practices with dignity and for top dollar. The Dental Office Network Team has broken numerous national sales records – just ask any major lender! The Practice Rescue Department additionally offers expertise with fraud detection, policy, and compliance issues, and has resurrected practices in demise. Our Practice Rescue experts have lectured across the coun- try on healthcare fraud to sold-out crowds. To discuss your practice’s fu- ture pathways, its income security, and your ultimate transition plans, or if you need expertise with a current critical practice related emergency, work only with a Premier Transition Specialist; a seasoned dentist who “speaks your language.” Contact Richard V. Lyschik, DDS, FAGD, CFE at: [email protected], or call: (214) 893-0410 | NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY 21