North Texas Dentistry Volume 9 Issue 4 2019 ISSUE 4 DE | Page 18

by a heavy workload without the benefit of personal development. Recent workforce research has shown personal development to be the secret potion that can prevent burnout. This applies to both the doctor and staff. Along with personal growth come energy, passion, and an interest to continue grow- ing and succeeding. We have found that the most successful healthcare practices expend significant resources in the devel- opment of their people. These are the same practices that serve as icons in our industry. With ineffective leadership and an underdeveloped staff, the practice must work harder to compensate for these deficiencies. Often, the best people burn out and will eventually leave the practice in search of something more enjoyable and rewarding- a practice that is willing to invest in their personal development. Unfortunately, this leaves the less qualified team members to carry the load which soon becomes very heavy and unsustain- able. When it becomes obvious that the problems are not solv- able through more work, exhaustion, burnout, and poor work/life balance becomes the unavoidable consequence. If these conditions persist long enough, then disillusionment, anx- iety and depression are the unfortunate outcome. SYMPTOMS: exhaustion, loss of passion, widespread practice decline, turnover, disillusionment, anxiety, depression We’ll help you keep your oxygen costs from getting out of hand! n n Individualized service stops waste Simple, straightforward pricing In summary, all the major stress producers that dentists report- managing their team, inadequate income, lack of meaningful work, navigating a complex marketplace, have their basis and their solution around the leader’s competencies. Most dental practice owners are looking for solutions in the latest technol- ogy, business management systems, clinical training, and mar- keting. Without a doubt, these assets are important parts of a comprehensive strategy for success. However, their impact on the practice will have a ceiling that is determined by the level of leadership provided by the doctor. Business performance is directly correlated with the level of leadership operating within the organization. The research and case studies completed over the last thirty years consistently reveal this. There is hope, however. Extensive research into leadership development has resulted in new tools and highly reliable assessments that pinpoint a potential leader’s generative/cre- ative competencies that enhance leadership effectiveness as well as those reactive tendencies that inhibit one’s leadership capa- bilities. Armed with this vital information, individualized lead- ership development programs are now designed for doctors by trained professional coaches. Furthermore, new and creative ways of assessing the efficacy of these individualized leadership development programs are now available and are widely employed in the development process. We now know that great leaders are not born, they are made. Sometimes they are made out of crisis or adversity. Sometimes they are made intentionally by someone who wants to experi- ence a better life. That someone could be you. That journey could begin today. All it takes is an awareness of the importance of leadership and the commitment to develop those skills. There are more resources to guide you now than ever before. It is up to you. PUT TECH AIR ON YOUR TEAM TODAY! FAST & EASY NO FEE TO SWITCH NO 1st TIME SET-UP COSTS NO CONTRACT (214) 930-6691 email: [email protected] 18 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | Drs. Joel Small and Edwin (Mac) McDonald have a total of over 75 years of dental practice experience. Both doctors are trained and certified Executive Leadership Coaches. They have joined forces to create Line of Sight Coaching, a business dedicated to helping their fellow dentists discover a better and more enjoyable way to create and lead a highly productive clinical dental practice. Through their work, clients experience a better work/life balance, find more joy in their work, and develop a strong practice culture and brand that pos- itively impacts their bottom line. To receive their free eBook, 7 Sur- prising Steps to Grow Your Practice Through Leadership, go to