North Texas Dentistry Volume 9 Issue 1 2019 ISSUE 1 DE | Page 8

I recently sat down with Dr. Teresa Scott of Houston to discuss how joining the breathing wellness movement by integrating the Vivos ® System has impacted her practice and the lives of her patients. Dr. Scott is a general dentist in Houston, Texas. She has been practicing dentistry since the nineties. In 2018, about a year ago, Dr. Scott met Dr. Felix Liao, a Vivos Integrated Clinical Advisor. Dr. Scott explained, “I went to a conference and Dr. Liao was speaking. Dr. Liao was such an effective speaker. I felt like I was listening to an infomercial — I kid you not! By the time I was through lis- tening, I was sold. Dr. Teresa Scott I went to work the following Monday, and eight out of the ten patients I saw were grind- ing, gritting, snoring, or a combination of all of them. And I thought, ‘I can’t unsee this, I have to learn to treat these people.’ My husband is my why. He became my biggest motivation to master this protocol. He has severe sleep apnea, diabetes, and high blood pressure. I told him, point blank, ‘I haven’t survived stage four cancer for you to die on me of a heart attack.’ My husband became my very first Vivos ® patient and he has more than doubled his airway at this point. I believe this is a treatment that’s good even if a person has severe sleep apnea. It might not completely rid them of their sleep apnea, they may always have to have some clinical inter- vention, but if I can give them even a modicum of what they did- n’t have before — if I can give them that gift of air — my God, the difference that it makes! So, in my husband’s case, his blood pressure has gone down. It was 180/112, and it’s down to 150/90. His blood sugar was also a problem. He couldn’t get it under control — even with a keto- genic diet or a fast. He went on a water fast — not a single bite of food in his mouth for five days and could not get his blood sugar below 140 prior to the DNA appliance. Once I put him into the DNA appliance, his blood sugar has regularly gone under 100. It doesn’t always stay there, but he couldn’t get it under 140 a year ago to save his life. I’m one of those people that, once I figure out the why of some- thing, I tend to figure out the details as I go along. I just need to know that it’s going to work. Once I heard Dr. Liao speak and watched the videos that showed the impact this procedure was 8 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | having on his patients, I said ‘OK, I need to try this.’ If nothing else, my patients deserve to have an adequate airway.” Dr. Scott went on to discuss how prevalent this condition has become. Malocclusion is pervasive, most people have to have their wisdom teeth extracted and sleep apnea affects nearly one in five adults. The facts are staggering. “A lot of my patients have had multiple root canals. Teeth just don’t die for no reason. There’s a reason they die. And the vast majority of people aren’t killing these teeth with big, giant cav- ities. They’re cracking them. They’re grinding their teeth and they’re killing them because they have an inadequate airway — they can’t breathe. So, it became my mission, it became my pas- sion — that’s why I do it. I go into a new patient exam, and I look at their medical history, and I tick off the symptoms that point to airway. Part of my new patient exam is an airway eval- uation. We do it, and it’s just not negotiable. We talk about it with every patient — every single one.” Dr. Scott is one of the many pioneers in the field of craniofacial sleep medicine. But she is not alone. Doctors all across the coun- try are discovering the possibilities offered by the Vivos ® System. However, integrating a new discipline into your existing prac- tice can be complicated. Many changes have to take place for you to be successful. Vivos ® has gone beyond the traditional approach by developing the Vivos ® Integrated Practice pro- gram. The program includes enrollment into the Breathing Wellness Institute for the Advanced Study of Craniofacial Epi- genetics and Pneumopedics ® . The Breathing Wellness Institute offers both clinical and non-clinical courses to help guide you through the process of integrating this discipline into your prac- tice. The program offers a complete system and all the tools and resources you need to be successful in treating airway issues for your patients. I asked Dr. Scott to describe the impact this program has had in her practice. Even I was astounded. “In 2017, my practice production was $1.7 million, which was nothing to sneeze at — it was a pretty successful single-dentist practice. My production for 2018 was $2.4 million. Integrating breathing wellness increased my production by $650,000. I’m astounded. I’m thrilled. And I know I’ll keep growing. In fact, I’ve made the decision to either slow the number of patients I’ll take or increase my fees — one of the two — because I’m at that limit. I’m booked for several months.” The passion in her voice and the familiar story was inspiring for me — and I do this every day. Dr. Scott is leading the way in Houston. She went on to say, “I’m very excited about this whole thing. I’m the kind of person to say I’m going to trust God with this and move forward. That’s what I’ve done.” Dr. Scott has treated more than 80 patients this year with the Vivos ® System. Her commitment to the movement is visible in every word and deed.