North Texas Dentistry Volume 7 Issue 5 NTD 2017 ISSUE 5 DE | Page 7

T Dr. O’Leary embraces emerging technol- ogy that she believes will elevate the success of endodontic treatment and further improve treatment outcome. he enemy of the endodontist is the unknown. While the central objective of endodontic treatment is to access, prepare, disinfect, and obturate the canal space, the in- tricate, branching anatomy of the interior of a human tooth can defy full discovery. Traditional root canal treat- ment (RCT) requires a variety of delicate instruments and la- borious effort under microscopic guidance, but portions of the root canal system often remain unrevealed or out of reach. The term “root canal” itself misrepresents the anatomical real- ity, which is more accurately described as a complex canal sys- tem that is not only intricate but also highly variable from patient to patient. Using micro-computed tomography (μCT), researchers have determined that even the basic anatomy of canals commonly taught in dental school may be outdated and overly simplified. Their complex morphology makes canals hard to visualize with a high level of accuracy and completeness, and nearly impossible to access with conventional instruments. Any areas left unaddressed will remain a hidden breeding ground for microorganisms and can lead to treatment failure. For Dr. Le O’Leary, the continual pursuit of clinical excellence has driven her desire to identify and acquire the best possible tools for detecting and treating hidden pathology in the root canal system. Dr. O’Leary has been in endodontic practice for 21 years and, in 2007, was the first endodontist in the state of Texas to adopt Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) technology. This powerful tool enhanced her capacity for accu- rate diagnostic assessment and treatment planning, improved outcomes, and supercharged the growth of her practice. Now, 11 years after opening her Plano office, Dr. O’Leary is once again embracing emerging technology that she believes will elevate the success of endodontic treatment and further improve treatment outcome. She recently acquired the Prexion 3D Elite CBCT imaging sys- tem, which offers enhanced clarity with lower radiation. The For Dr. Le O’Leary, the continual pur- suit of clinical excellence has driven her desire to identify and acquire the best possible tools for detecting and treating hidden pathology in the root canal system. PreXion CBCT has the smallest focal point in the industry and couples the smallest focal spot (0.3 mm) with a voxel size of 0.1 – 0.2, 1024 volume size, 360° gantry rotation, and advance- ments in the PreXion software. Because of these advances, PreXion can deliver 30% lower radiation exposure without com- promising the image quality. Another reason Dr. O’Leary chose the PreXion CBCT system was that the software flawlessly integrates into her network without any specialized hardware. The PreXion3D Viewer can be installed on any Windows PC on the network, allowing scans to be viewed from any computer. PreXion, Inc. has over 15 years experience with DICOM image processing and software visualization. The company has im- NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | 7