North Texas Dentistry Volume 7 Issue 3 NTD 2017 ISSUE 3 DE | Page 17
you, your patients, your team, and your
practice. Help that person find employ-
ment elsewhere as soon as possible. It is
worth paying the unemployment to no
longer have that individual undermining
your results.
Once you have the right people, you must
help them develop the skills necessary to
perform their job to your expectations
and in service to the patients and prac-
tice. The first step is to make your expec-
tations clear and give them an example
of what a great job looks, sounds, and
feels like. Give them a model to follow in
producing the intended result. Then
stand back and let them practice, give
them a little bit of room to try out the
skill and use it. The Chinese proverb ob-
serves, “I hear and I forget, I see and I re-
member, I do and I understand.” Any
new team member needs the experience
of doing it to make distinctions that will
improve their results the next time. Give
feedback on what they are doing really
well and what areas still need work, and
then let them do it again. Throughout
this process, you want to build compe-
tence and confidence so that they are
willing and empowered to be account-
able for the desired result. Offer support-
ive correction when they miss a step, and
acknowledge them for what they are
doing well.
Beginning the process of creating a cul-
ture of accountability requires only a few
things from the business owner or
leader. Once you have selected the right
people and trained them in the skill sets
they need, you must establish lines of ac-
countability so that each of your team
leaders knows where they are most
needed, and where they can add the most
value. Establish source areas within your
practice so that when challenges arise,
there is someone designated to address
the issue and create a solution.
There’s a simple formula team members
can follow to achieve specific objectives.
At Fortune Management, we call it “The
Ultimate Success Formula.”
There are only four steps:
1. Know your outcome.
2. Create a game plan and take
massive action.
3. Monitor your results.
4. Change your approach
as needed.
As you begin to see people stepping up
and taking responsibility for their results
and outcomes, your job as the leader is
to take the stand that they are capable
enough, intelligent enough, resourceful
enough, and creative enough to get this
result. Utilize morning huddles and
weekly team meetings as an opportunity
for the designated, responsible “source”
person to discuss their outcomes and
their strategies. Ask them leading ques-
tions that allow them to find solutions to
whatever challenges are impeding re-
sults. Enhance their self-esteem by giv-
ing them positive feedback when things
work out, and by offering supportive cor-
rection when things don’t.
If your team members know it is okay to
make a mistake, they will be more willing
to put themselves on the line for results.
Jennifer Surette
Fortune Management
Executive Coach
As a leader in the dental
field, Jennifer has been in-
strumental in increasing pro-
duction and profits for both
underdeveloped and stagnant practices, as well
as million-dollar superstar teams. Jennifer is pas-
sionate about sharing her knowledge of the
“WOW” patient experience, diagnosing hidden
barriers that are preventing overall practice
growth and how to lead the practice to exponential
growth. For a complimentary in-office practice
analysis, contact Jennifer at (469) 616-7040. Send
email to: [email protected] or visit for more information.
Know the value of your practice
(469) 222-3200 |
Jeremy Brown JD, Joe Piazza DDS, Terry Watson DDS, & Frank Brown JD
Practice Sales & Appraisals