North Texas Dentistry Volume 6 Issue 3 | Page 15

C ustomized Customized or Personalized marketing (also known as one-to-one marketing) utilizes data collection methods to deliver personalized messages or offers to prospective customers. Through advancements in analytics, this targeted approach allows practices to pursue the exact patient base they seek. A customized approach looks at target demographics (i.e., females, head of family, ages 35-55) and asks, “What story will resonate? What images will they connect with? What messages or offers will inspire them to action?” An old advertising adage is “enter the conversation that is going on in your prospect’s mind.” For example, a brideto-be is no doubt spending a lot of time thinking about her wedding day. She’s envisioning every aspect of her special day, including the fact that all eyes will be on her. A “white wedding” teeth whitening message may resonate well. Re-marketing is another type of customized marketing. Re-marketing (or retargeting) presents custom content or ads based on actions taken by the patient on platforms like Facebook. Several ad platforms use re-targeting technologies. For example, if someone visits the implant page on your website, you can show them before and after implant photos later that day when they are on Facebook. website? Your sign? The Face