North Texas Dentistry Volume 5 Issue 2 | Page 16

SMILES SPOTLIGHT in the LEADERS IN NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY CREATING UNFORGETTABLE SMILES THE PATIENT A 40-year old Caucasian healthy male with NKDA was referred to our office by a prosthodontist to enhance his smile. Patient’s chief complaint: “I don’t like my gummy smile and short teeth.” Anterior Aesthetic Reconstruction: A Periodontal & Restorative Approach CLINICAL EVALUATION Clinical evaluation revealed slight marginal inflammation with adequate amount of keratinized gingiva. Evidence of attrition can be seen due to parafunctional habits, excessive gingival display and incomplete passive eruption. PROCEDURE Oral hygiene instruction with thorough prophylaxis was given 2 weeks before the procedure. A diagnostic wax-up was designed to create the ideal size, shape, contour and symmetry of the future restorations. A surgical guide was fabricated from the wax-up in order to transfer the restorative goals into the periodontium. Excessive Gingival Display Diagnostic Wax-Up Adequate Keratinized Gingiva 16 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY |