saliva blood and nasopharyngeal secretions . Neisseria gonorrhoeae is resistant to common broad spectrum such as tetracyclines , penicillin and ciprofloxacin and is on the rise . Chlamydia and trichomonas are usually not transmitted through oral secretions or oral mucosa and are a low or no risk . HPV is present in genital warts , also referred to as condyloma acuminatum .
Syphilis is commonly seen in dentistry . Syphilis can be spread through mucosal contact .
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually transmitted disease such as herpetic infections reside in the oral cavity , gingiva , skin , eye and fingers and can be transmitted through contact with the lesion exudate , saliva , and blood . Herpes can be controlled by regular use of antiviral meds such as valcyclovir .
Gonococcus and chlamydia can reside in the oral and oropharyngeal cavity and can be transmitted through exudate ,
Infectious mononucleosis is very common and highly infectious . Therefore , practicing Universal Precautions is a must in dentistry to avoid spread of these conditions .
Trichomonas can reside in the oral and oropharyngeal cavity and have a potential for transmission through oral and oropharyngeal mucosa , saliva and blood .
Bloodborne viruses that affect the liver such as HBV , HCV , HDV , HEV , HGV are found in blood and body fluids . Hepatitis B virus has a vaccine , and HCV now can be treated with antiviral medications . Most of these conditions can be transmitted through blood and body fluids . HIV is present in blood and oral
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