North Texas Dentistry Magazine, Volume 3 Issue 7 | Page 26

money matters The Embezzlement Nightmare by Susan Gunn “I hate calls like these,” I thought as I hung up the phone. My heart ached. Another dentist discovered his long time trusted employee had been stealing his hard earned money from the practice. It had been my seventh call this week. He alternated from being angry about the theft to heart ache for the loss of relationship. “But, she’s worked for me for 18 years. How could she do something like this? I trusted her. She offered to repay me and gave me all sorts of excuses... What do I do now?” Most embezzlements start with an Opportunistic Thief, not a Brazen Thief. An Opportunistic Thief can evolve into a Brazen Thief, however, with their increased success and expertise. If just a few things are done differently, it will prevent the opportunity for an embezzlement to occur, or at the least not make it so easy! Cross training staff and tightening internal controls are just a couple of suggestions but the biggest difference can be made in strengthening the leader of the practice. BE THE BOSS. Having a trusted employee steal from the practice is ulti- 26 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | mately a wakeup call. Become involved in the business aspect of your practice. You own the business so oversee it. Several years ago, I did a survey among my newsletter database of about 2,500. The information I gained was rich but the consistent thread in all of the stories was the lack of business focus and oversight by the practice owner. These are not business-as-usual times, so you can not do the business of dentistry the same way you always have and expect positive results. If you have let the “ownership” o