North Texas Dentistry Magazine, Volume 3 Issue 7 | Page 14

Convention Issue Southwest Dental Conference January 30 - February 1, 2014 privacy of such information. Two of Make plans NOW to advertise in the the most common causes of North Texas Dentistry data breach are loss and theft of a device gone missing, the Convention Issue containing ePHI. Once the device and the data it contains have In the game of Monopoly, an unfortunate roll of the dice sometimes lands you face to face with the policeman who ushers you directly to jail. If you haven't secured a get-out-of-jail-free card, you're forced to spend time and energy trying to get out, while everyone else continues to advance around the board. tected health information which compromises the security or covered entity is required to report the breach of their patient data to HHS, to their patients, and also to the media if their When it comes to HIPAA compliance, sometimes an unfortuPromote your business and services to patient pool is large enough. Unless, that is, the data on the lost the North Texas Dental Community nate event can lead to a breach that forces you to spend time or stolen device has been protected by a safeguard called and energy with most likely real-world cash) working with the – before the Southwest Dental Conference (and perfect timing and perfect targeting encryption. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to determine Encryption is the process of using an algorithm to transform whether you had established the right policies and procedures plaintext information into an unreadable format that can only for handling Electronic Patient Health Information (ePHI), b e accessed by someone possessing the key that was used to enable taken the appropriate precautions to secure your ePHI, and the encryption in the first place. Without the unique key that’s reacted appropriately to the breach once it had occurred. If the Print Advertisement l Custom Profiles l Spreads created at the time of encryption, the data on the lost or stolen HHS determines you made any mistakes along the way, you can device will be completely unreadable. expect additional fines and possibly additional time and effort Our team can make your marketing dreams a reality! to implement any changes they deem necessary to the way you The HITECH Act issues technical guidance on the technologies handle ePHI. ADDED BONUS 4 BE INCLUDED IN SPECIAL BOOTH LISTING 4 DEADLINE: DECEMBER 2 and methodologies “that render protected health information unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized indiToo bad there isn’t a get-out-breach-free card you could play viduals.” The guidance specifies encryption as an action that when it comes to those unforeseen and unintended events that REQUEST A MEDIA KIT: [email protected] renders ePHI unusable if it falls in to the wrong hands. ePHI lead to a breach... or is there? that is encrypted and whose encryption keys are properly Section 13400(1) of the Act defines ‘‘breach’’ to mean, generally, secured would provide a “safe harbor” to covered entities and the unauthorized acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of pro-