North Texas Dentistry Magazine, Volume 3 Issue 7 | Page 18

practice management Emotional Intelligence THE EXTRAORDINARY POWER OF L Leadership & Case Acceptance by Feel ike it or not, dentists need to manage the mood of their practice. Moods are less intense sustained emotional states. Gifted dentists accomplish this through a blend of psychological abilities called Emotional Intelligence. They recognize their own feelings and those of others, plus manage their emotions in a way that positively influences others. We constantly interact with and respond to the emotions of others. This is called interpersonal limbic regulation. It’s so powerful that when three strangers sit silently facing one another for two to three minutes, the most emotionally expressive person affects the by Bob Frazer, Jr., DDS emotional state of the other two.1 And, no words were spoken! Research has shown that the leader’s emotions have the largest influence on the emotional climate of any group. When leaders drive emotions positively, it’s called resonance. When negative, it’s dissonance.2 Our office’s emotional climate has a huge impact on our patients’ sense of safety and trust, directly affecting their acceptance of our treatment recommendations. In the early ‘60s, a study utilizing a patient survey to better understand patient perceptions of excellence was done by SRI. The Academy of Dental Practice Administration identified 25 finest prac- 18 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | tices. Those practices included the likes of Drs. L.D. Pankey, Bob Barkley, Harold Wirth, etc. SRI randomly surveyed one hundred patients in each practice, asking them a series of questions including the perception of doctor’s competence, punctuality, availability, communication ability, satisfaction with fee, caring, etc. I remember Dr. Barkley recounting this research. With such outstanding practices, all scores were high, but by far the highest score was given to one statement in the survey: “The doctor and his staff genuinely like one another.”