North Dakota North Dakota | Page 42

Photo Source : equilibrefitness . com
Kids , Stay ABUSE FREE . Invest in your BEST ASSETS ... YOU !
3345 39th Street SW • Fargo , ND

Fargo Tire Service , Inc .

2020 Main Avenue • 701-232-7177 or Corner of I-29 & 32nd Ave . S . • 701-356-8473
“ We are proud to support our Future Leaders in their efforts to remain ABUSE FREE . We care & support our kids and community !”
fargotire . com
Paving the Road for an ABUSE Free youth !
4370 52nd Ave . N . • Fargo , ND
Teens are full of ideas — some of them great and others dangerous . While you ’ re likely aware of the good things happening in your Teens life , you should also be aware of the dangerous teen trends that could be occurring among their peer groups .

What are your kids doing ?

Snorting condoms , trunking , butt chugging ... say what ?! Some teens are getting creative and not in a good way . Read up on the latest dangerous teen trends and talk to your kids .
Salt and ice
How dangerous can two simple items that everyone has in their homes really be ? The answer is very dangerous , actually . Teens are participating in the salt and ice challenge , which she knows parenting writer Sherri Kuhn explained in July .
“ The challenge involves nothing more than a handful of salt and some ice cubes ,” Kuhn wrote . “ Participants pour the salt into their hand and then add the ice cubes . Some simply close their fist and see how long they can hold it closed — others actually have friends press the salt / ice mixture onto their skin and hold it . The object is to see who has the higher pain tolerance and can withstand the burning pain the longest .”
Teens are giving themselves second and third degree burns with this dangerous “ game ” Google “ salt and ice ” to see just how damaging the results can be .
( 701 ) 235-6655
Proud to PAVE the road to an ABUSE FREE future !
1549 Main Ave . • Fargo , ND
3220 39th Avenue S • Fargo , ND
KIDS , peer pressures are always there . Love ’ s wants you to keep on TRUCKING to a drug free future !
“ We are proud to help BOOT Abuse out of your LIFE !”


3003 Main Avenue • Fargo , ND
42 | North Dakota Spring / Summer 2014 | abusemagazine . org
Source : www . sheknows . com / parenting / articles / 979481 / dangerousteen-trends-butt-chugging-chatroulette-vampire-biting