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3750 East Rosser Avenue • Bismarck, ND
“West River Transit encourages
our youth to STAY Abuse FREE!”
How Do Victims React?
• Block communication with cyberbullies
Contrary to what cyberbullies may
believe, cyberbullying is a big deal, and
can cause a variety of reactions in teens.
Some teens have reacted in positive
ways to try to prevent cyberbullying by
• Report cyberbullying to a trusted adult
• Blocking communication with the
• Deleting messages without reading
• Talking to a friend about the
• Reporting the problem to an
Internet service provider or website
Many youth experience a variety
of emotions when they are cyberbullied. Youth who are cyberbullied report
feeling angry, hurt, embarrassed, or
scared. These emotions can cause victims to react in ways such as
• Seeking revenge on the bully
• Avoiding friends and activities
• Cyberbullying back
Some teens feel threatened because
they may not know who is cyberbullying
them. Although cyberbullies may think
they are anonymous, they can be found.
If you are cyberbullied or harassed and
need help, save all communication with
the cyberbully and talk to a parent,
teacher, law enforcement officer, or
other adult you trust.
How Can I Prevent
Teens have figured out ways to prevent
cyberbullying. Follow in the footsteps of
other quick-thinking teens and
• Refuse to pass along cyberbullying
• Tell friends to stop cyberbullying
You can also help prevent
cyberbullying by
• Speaking with other students, as well
as teachers and school administrators,
to develop rules against cyberbullying
• Raising awareness of the cyberbullying
problem in your community by holding
an assembly and creating fliers to give
to younger kids or parents
923 E. Interstate Ave. • Bismarck, ND
We are an ABUSE Free
workplace. We support
prevention efforts in our schools!
• Sharing NCPC’s anti-cyberbullying
message with friends
Don’t forget that even though you can’t
see a cyberbully or the bully’s victim,
cyberbullying causes real problems. If
you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say it
online. Delete cyberbullying. Don’t write
it. Don’t forward it.
What Else Can I Do To Stay
Remember that the Internet is accessed
by millions of people all over the world, not
just your friends and family. While many
Internet users are friendly, some may want
to hurt you. Below are some ways to stay
• Never post or share your personal
information online (this includes
your full name, address, telephone
number, school name, parents’ names,
credit card number, or Social Security
number) or your friends’ personal
2717 Rock Island Pl.
Bismarck, ND
“BISMARCK Walmart is proud
to be a drug free workplace! We
care about our kids & community!”
3801 Commerce Drive • Bismarck, ND
• Never share your Internet passwords
with anyone, except your parents.
• Never meet anyone face-to-face whom
you only know online.
• Talk to your parents about what you
do online.
Kids, focus your energy
towards an ABUSE
FREE future and say
NO to peer pressures! | North Dakota Spring/Summer 2014 |