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E-cigarettes & Vapors

Cigarettes a growing problem on School Grounds

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Electronic cigarette use among teens more than doubled in the last year , according to a new government study , prompting concern from health officials who say the effects of long-term use of the products is still unknown .
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 4.7 percent of teens said they had used an e-cigarette in 2011 , and that number rose to 10 percent in 2012 .
E-cigarettes are controversial . Some say they can be a useful tool for smokers looking to quit cigarettes because they provide vaporized nicotine to the user without the toxic chemicals that come from real cigarette smoke . But public health experts point out that there ’ s no evidence of the safety of using electronic cigarettes . They also worry that e-cigarettes could be a “ gateway ” to using traditional tobacco products .
“ The increased use of e-cigarettes by teens is deeply troubling ,” said CDC Director Dr . Tom Frieden , M . D ., M . P . H ., in a statement accompanying the study . “ Nicotine is a highly addictive drug . Many teens who start with e-cigarettes may be condemned to struggling with a lifelong addiction to nicotine and conventional cigarettes .”
The report showed a connection between using electronic cigarettes and using conventional cigarettes among youths . Specifically , 76.3 percent of middle- and high-schoolers who reported using an e-cigarette in the last month also said that they had smoked a regular cigarette in that same time period . Among middle-schoolers , four in five who had tried an e-cigarette at least once said they had also tried a regular cigarette .
In total , the report showed that 1.78 million middle- and high-schoolers had tried an electronic cigarette at least once last year .
Unlike traditional tobacco products , the Food and Drug Administration does
Photo Source : www . ocregister . com
not yet regulate electronic cigarettes , though it has said that it plans to in the future . Because there is no official regulation yet , no minimum age to buy the products has been set , though the Wall Street Journal reported that the FDA is discussing whether to make the minimum purchasing age 18 or 19 , as well as whether to ban online sales .
There is not much safety information available on e-cigarettes . Past research has suggested that electronic cigarettes don ’ t seem to have any negative effects on the heart . However , the FDA did find in a 2009 lab analysis that some e-cigarettes do contain carcinogens , as well as a chemical called diethylene glycol that is also found in anti-freeze . And another recent study suggested e-cigarettes could harm the lungs by increasing airway resistance .
They are hard to detect – tiny devices that look like markers or lip gloss , easily hidden in backpacks among a jumble of school supplies .
Teens can fill them with simple flavor cartridges , but they can also load them with marijuana oils or nicotine inserts that smell like watermelon or piña colada or nothing at all .
Orange County Sheriff ’ s Deputy Brian Gunsolley , a school resource officer at Laguna Hills High School , holds some of the electronic cigarettes he has confiscated in the last school year . A similar tool , called the icloud pen , left , is used for marijuana oil or “ pot butter .”
30 | North Dakota Spring / Summer 2014 | abusemagazine . org
Source : http :// www . huffingtonpost . com / 2013 / 09 / 05 / electroniccigarette-teens-middle-school-high-school _ n _ 3873848 . html