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Teen Deaths Related to Energy Drinks

Photo Source : www . newsela . com
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October 24 , 2012
Can you overdose on caffeine ? This is the question being asked of Monster energy drink executives , especially after a Maryland mother filed a lawsuit against the parent company , Monster Beverages , last week . Wendy Cossland ’ s 14-year old daughter , Anais Fournier , died last December after consuming two large cans of one of the monster energy drinks over a two-day period . The cause of death was cardiac arrhythmia due to acute caffeine toxicity , which apparently had exacerbated an underlying and pre-existing heart problem . Since 2004 , the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) claims there have been four other documented deaths along with Cossland ’ s daughter , and a non-fatal heart attack , which have reportedly all been directly related to drinking Monster Energy drinks . The fatality filings documented by the FDA have been made accessible to people , like Wendy Cossland , through the Freedom and Information Act . A spokeswoman for the drink company , Monster , has stated that the beverage products are safe and were not the cause of the recent fatalities .
A Potentially Monster Problem
The release of the filings detailing the possibility of Monster Energy Drink deaths may increase Congressional calls for greater regulation of the energy products industry . Monster Energy is among scores of energy drinks like Red Bull and Rock Star , and energy “ shots ” like 5-hour Energy that companies are aggressively marketing to teenagers and young people . In fact , along with
these latter demographics , the buzz around all these super-caffeinated and vitamin infused supplements is that they are also marketed towards people who like to get a buzz . Manufacture warning labels do appear on the can to conform to FDA standards that are supposed to dissuade people under 12 years of age and those “ sensitive ” to caffeine from refraining from drinking their products . Usually these labels do little to deter addicts or alcoholics though , because the labels implicitly promise a mind-altering experience and the beverage more a substance , than a refreshing libation .
How Much Caffeine Is Too Much ?
Another death by caffeine consumption was reported in 2006 , when 19-year old James Stone ’ s heart failed after he ingested nearly two dozen NoDoz tablets , each containing about 200 mg of caffeine or about twice the amount found in an 8 oz cup of coffee . Monster Energy drinks vary in the mg amount of caffeine , but the Fournier girl drank one with 240 mg in each of the two cans she consumed . The FDA . filings have been little more than speculation , as FDA . spokeswoman Shelly Burgess stated that “ so far there has been no causal link ,” and that there could have been other products involved in the Fournier death , along with the others connected to the energy drinks . Caution should definitely be exercised when consuming these beverages , and especially around young people , who may be more likely to drink indiscriminately .
18 | North Dakota Spring / Summer 2014 | abusemagazine . org Source : www . thewatershed . com