North 40 Fly Shop eMagazine October 2017 | Page 55
ready said, “I’d marry Bow Bow if I could,” but he
didn’t seem too disappointed when Ho Ho coho
blasted his flesh fly and took that 2-weight to
task. Let the boys be boys, I mused, and chase
those rainbows.
I stayed in the silver spot, now all to myself,
for additional glutinous angling. But this time
with a rifle in hand, meaning a vintage SAGE 179
CT casting stick, armed with a classic candy
apple red Ambassador 5000 bait cast reel.
A pink centered-silver Pixie spoon was
the weapon of choice and, believe
you me, it didn’t disappoint.
Silvers love spoons and spin-
ners, too, and the “follows”
on them is a game in itself,
which only gets more inter-
esting when the fish de-
cides to take at rod-tip range.
Before long we ventured up to another spot
where the popper takes were simply insane.
And that surface action went on for a good two
hours. The muzzleloaders came forth next as the
lead-eyed Rabb-IT Leeches in black, purple and
cherise paved the way for frequent takes. Once
again the ol’ rifle finished off the action. Little
Guy Kurty even caught a few on the spoons, but
then backlashed my reel into the Dark Ages. I
made the executive decision to banish Kurt
from all rifle use for the remainder of the trip.
He protested, then pouted about it for a good
two days. Didn’t matter, as he was summari-
ly dismissed by the “Tangle Doctrine” found in
Geo’s Silver Salmon handbook, and duly noted
on page 7.