Norman Magazine May/June 2022 | Page 38





Fry bread is a delicious flour-based side dish . Dough is rolled into balls , then flattened out to about the size of an open hand and dropped into hot oil . Fry bread is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside . It is used as the base of the very popular Indian Taco , which can be experienced in the Aaimpa ’ Café at the Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur .
Pigs were not native to the homelands but were introduced to Chickasaws by conquistador Hernando de Soto . After de Soto wore out his welcome , Chickasaws raided his camp under the cover of darkness and routed his troops . During the melee many pigs were captured by Chickasaw warriors and many simply escaped into the woods . Pork became a favorite dish .
Frybread Recipe
2 cups sifted flour 1 / 2 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg 1 / 2 cup warm water or milk
Sift first three ingredients together and stir in beaten egg . Add water or milk to make soft dough . Round up on lightly floured cloth or bread board . Knead lightly . Roll or pat out 1 / 2 inch thick . Cut into strips about 2 x 3 inches and slit center . Drop into deep fat . Brown on both sides . Serve hot . Good with pinto beans , stew or syrup .
Source – Chickasaw Nation via Chickasaw . net
38 NormanMagazine . com | MAY / JUNE 2022