Norman Magazine May/June 2022 | Page 25

“ Norman has done a great job educating about all the different races and cultures in our community , but I don ’ t think it ’ s always a strong knowledge of our people or the impact that tribes make ,” Harjo explained , specifically mentioning the recent economic impact the tribal nations have on the state .
Research completed in March by Oklahoma City University Assistant Professor of Economics Kyle Dean indicated the tribes contributed an estimated $ 15.6 billion to the state ’ s economy ( using 2019 data ). In his publication , The Economic Impact of Tribal Nations in Oklahoma , Dean explained this “ significant ” portion of the state ’ s approximately $ 200 billion economy includes the tribal nations ’ business revenue , government expenditures and capital expenditures , as well as the jobs and industries that stem from Native socio-economic activity .
“[ Some people ] have these stereotypes that they grew up with and still have . I think they need a deeper understanding and knowledge of the history of our people and who we are today . We are still here and we ’ re thriving ,” Harjo said .
Harjo also said she feels “ blessed ” because the Norman Public Schools district has been very supportive of Indian Education .
“ The board of education , the administration , they have grown along with us , and understand what our students need to be successful . We wouldn ’ t be able to do what we do without that support ,” Harjo said . “ I feel strongly that what we do greatly impacts the wellbeing , the mental health of our students . We are helping our district to help our students be successful in Norman Public Schools ,” Harjo said .
Schovanec shared a recent story about running into a former Indian Education high school student who had dropped out . She said their conversation was brief , but she did encourage him to finish school . Soon after , when checking her voicemail , there was a message from this student . He had decided to go back to school , and he was thanking her . Emotion thick in her voice after discussing that voicemail , she said the best part of her job is working directly with students and seeing the changes that the Indian Education program can help make for them .
Indian Education programs began nationwide after the Indian Education Act passed in 1972 . The language of the act recognized that “ American Indians have unique , educational and culturally related academic needs and distinct language and cultural needs ,” and passing the act reaffirmed the federal government ’ s responsibility to the education of America ’ s indigenous people . Today it is funded by the original Title VI program and additionally by the Johnson O ’ Malley program established in 1991 .
Goals of Indian Education include :
• Increase academic success and achievement
• Increase academic and educational opportunities
• Provide supplemental academic services for all grades
• Encourage parent participation
• Improve the graduation rate of American Indian students
• Increase communication between home and school
• Improve daily attendance
• Reduce the dropout rate among American Indian students
• Empower families for appropriate self-advocacy
• Increase college matriculation
• Connect families to tribal resources
• Utilization of academic and cultural resources
Services provided by Norman Public Schools Indian Education program include :
• Elementary and secondary tutoring programs with on-site tutoring during school hours for students
• School supplies
• ACT / SAT / PSAT test scholarships
• ACT / SAT / PSAT prep scholarships
• Advanced placement test fee scholarships
• Fees for honor society and other educational programs
• College Links Program : yearly field trips to college campuses for students in 2nd , 7th , and 9th - 12th grades
• Cap and gown scholarships
• College and career fairs
• Career counseling
“ It ’ s so rewarding ,” Schovanec said . “ That ’ s why we do it every day .”
NormanMagazine . com | MAY / JUNE 2022 25