Norman Magazine March/April 2022 | Página 12

Charlene Perry outside the Perrys ’ Farm store in Goldsby

Tips for Growing Vegetables ( as provided by Charlene Perry )

• Peppers , tomatoes and eggplant especially should be “ harden-offed ” after being brought home from the greenhouse . Do not plant them directly into the ground the first day . Put them in a box in the shade and keep them watered . Next day expose them to a little more sun and wind . If a frost or high wind is in the forecast bring them back in the garage . Harden them up gradually for a few days before planting in Oklahoma soil .
• Don ’ t plant seeds such as squash until the ground is warm enough . Specifics are widely available on-line .
• Watering plants in the ground thoroughly twice a week is better than splashing water on them daily . Hanging baskets or plants in patio pots should be watered daily or even twice a day depending on climatic conditions . Soaker hoses are preferable over conventional sprinklers to conserve water while avoiding wetting down foliage during the wrong time of day . It ’ s a fine line on how much to water and how much water is too much .
• Plants should be put in ground with good drainage where water is unlikely to stand after summer gully washers .
• Don ’ t overdo it with commercial or even organic nitrogen fertilizers . Your plants may have beautiful green foliage but won ’ t necessarily bloom . Use a balanced liquid fertilizer a month or six weeks after they ’ re in the ground . Less is better than too much .
12 NormanMagazine . com | MARCH / APRIL 2022