NOREV Catalogue 2017 | Page 52

Zeng Nangtao Production Manager
« Our aim is to Produce perfect model cars with professionalism for our Customers . Share art pieces made by Mengyi with more people . »
Yu Jiuyi Rangsburg Supervisor
« We ’ ve been through ups and downs . However , I believe this is just the beginning , but not the end . I see hopes in 2017 , because of the improvement of quality and our spirit of making perfection more perfect . »
Chen JiuChao Handspray Supervisor
« Production is stable . Quality has improved but productivity has decreased , which means our handspray workers are not skillful enough . We need to have very good organization to achieve better results . We need to keep technical personnel in order to save resources . In 2017 we will try to improve quality and increase productivity at the same time . »
Xiang Yongqing Tampo Supervisor
« Looking back on the past year , we had ups and downs . In 2017 , we are going to keep on doing the meaningfull , valuable and fruitful things we achieved in 2016 . I will keep up the good work with my heart and try my best to assure product quality , follow management ’ s lead and create a glorious future for Mengyi . »
Zhu Xiaoli Assembly Supervisor
« Year 2016 is coming to an end . In this year , our quality did not meet our customer ’ s requirements , we suffered loss of workers , we had broken supply chain of material which caused decrease of efficiency .
In 2017 , we will improve product quality . »