Nordicum - Real Estate Annual Finland 2020 | Page 9
Communities today strive for ‘Smart & Sustainable’ logistical edge
on a big scale. As cities are searching for digital solutions with
an eye on sustainability, one of the most exciting urban-proof
concepts out there is MaaS, Mobility as a Service. Pages 38–45.
Senate Properties is contributing to the development of the new
Pihlajaniemi district in Turku with an impressive plan to build a
“Soft City” for the ages. Located just a couple of kilometers from
downtown, Pihlajaniemi is to become a home for thousands of
residents. Pages 46–47.
32 Mixed-use real estate is experiencing a convergence of technology, workplace design and urban planning
38 Rethinking Urban Mobility – The evolution of MaaS shows considerable promise
46 City of Turku and Senate Properties are developing new Pihlajaniemi district with focus
on softer values and better quality
48 Turku takes synergy to the next level
51 Embrace the Change – RE FINLAND 2019 took the pulse of the real estate industry
54 The real estate market in Finland remains active, even if economy is showing signs of slowing down.
56 Company Business Cards