Nordicum - Real Estate Annual Finland 2020 | Page 15
Just Getting Started
No surprise then, that Stordalen sees “huge
growth potential” in the Helsinki accommo-
dation market. This is just the beginning,
he says.
“My aim is to achieve a 25–30 % mar-
ket share in all capitals in the Nordics. I still
want to add 2,000 hotel rooms to the sup-
ply in Helsinki.”
The track record of Kämp Collection
Hotels is certainly something to write home
about. The year 2018 was the fourth consec-
utive year of growth for Kämp Collection
Hotels and during 2019, Kämp has seen an
even stronger increase in the business.
In fact, the value of the entire Helsinki
metropolitan hotel market increased by 9
percentage points in January–June 2019.
Kämp Collection Hotels’ share of the growth
of the travel market value during that time
period was more than 25 %.
Nordic Choice Hotels, on the other
hand, has been nominated the best hotel
chain in the Nordic region for three years
in a row, as well as the best hotel chain in
Norway for nine consecutive years in Grand
Hotel Awards. l
Sami J. Anteroinen
Nordicum 15